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Hi, I'm Sumin Lee!

Hi, I'm Sumin Lee!

Welcome to my technical blog 👋

I’m a software engineer with a keen interest in server and artificial intelligence engineering. I thrive on exploring new technologies and embracing challenges, always enjoying the process of learning and building.

Additionally, I’m deeply fascinated by tools that enhance productivity. Actively exploring and implementing various tools and methods to optimize development processes and work efficiently is something I’m passionate about.

On this blog, I’ll be sharing my experiences with technical challenges, insights into new technologies, and a variety of tips and tricks for boosting productivity. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth and learning! 🚀


스프링(Spring) 뜯어보기 : 클라이언트의 요청은 서버에서 어떻게 처리될까?
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Spring Spring Boot WAS Web Server Servlet Servlet Container Dispatcher Servlet Thread Pool Filter
트랜잭션과 락 이해하기 : 데이터베이스 관리의 핵심, 동시성과 무결성의 균형잡기
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Transaction Lock DB JPA